Our Team
AllLecturersGuest LecturersAdvisory BoardFounders

Mufti Barkatullah Qasmi
Sharia Advisor, Al Rayyan Bank,UK
H.O.D Psychology,UK
Shayk Amin Kholwadia
Darul Qasim Chicago, USA
Mufti Muhammed Zubair Butt
Senior Islamic Scholar,UK
Shaykh Hamzah wald Maqbul
HFSAA Shariah Advisor, USA
Professor Ovamir G.Anjum
Professor,University of Toledo,USA
Shaykh Haroon Sidat
Cardiff University, UK
Shaykh Mufti Saiful Islam
Founder of Jamiah Khatamun Nabiyeen Institute, Bradford, UK
Mufti Amjad Muhammed
Principal Jurisconsult and Chair of North Board, Eternal Gardens, UK
Mufti Faraz Adam
Executive Director-Amanah Finance Consultancy
Shaykh Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi
Resident scholar of the East Plano Islamic Center, Texas,US
Ustadah Zara Faris
Dr Aasim Padela
Director of the Program on Medicine and Religion, Uni. ChicagoMedicine, USA
Sharif Randhawa
Researcher and author, Bayyinah Institute & the Centre for the Advanced Study of the Quran and its Interpretation,USA
Kausar Tai
Management and Training Consultant at Aksaa Ltd,UK
Dr Awal Fuseini
Academic/Researcher, Bristol University, UK
Mufti Abdul Waheed
Researcher & Lecturer in Fiqh, JKN Fatawa Dept & marriage counsellor,UK
Dr Muhammad Mansur Ali
Lecturer in Islamic Studies, Cardiff University, UK
Dr Iftekhar Ahmad Saifi
Doctor of Naturopathy, Dubai, UAE
Shaykh Mustaqeem Shah
Lecturer, Al Balagh Academy, UK
Dr Shaykh Hatem al-Haj
M.B., CH.B., Founder & President of Building Blocks of Islam,USA
Dr Shariq Nisar
Co-founder of TASIS,UK
Ustadh Safaruk Chowdhury
Humanities Team and IB Theory of Knowledge Coordinator, Tutor in History and Religious Studies,UK
Dr Mohammed Ghaly
Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics, Qatar
Shaykh Waqaus Ali
Educational Consultant,Ilm2Amal,UK
Dr. Hasan Awan
MD. Islamic Society of Baltimore Health Clinic and Private Practice, Internal Medicine,USA
Dr Carl Sharif El-Tobgui
Associate Professor of Arabic & Islamic Studies and Director of the Arabic Language Program at Brandeis,USA
Shaykh Usman Ali
Senior Specialist Biomedical Scientist,UK
Professor Syed Shakir Jamil
School of Unani Medicine, Jamia Hamdard and Former DG, CCRUM,IN
Dr. David Solomon Jalajel
Researcher at Prince Sultan Research Institute, King Saud University
Shaykh Abdullah Akujee
BA in English and Linguistics & Trinity CertTESOL, Manchester, UK
Mufti Sarfraz Mohammed
Shariah Consultant for the Halal Monitoring Committee, UK
Ustadah Fatima Barkatulla
Saeed Nasser
Integrative Counsellor,UK
Marzuqa Karima
Maulana Ilyas Dalal
Prison and Hospital Chaplain and Head Teacher,UK
Aishah Kiran
Counsellor,BSc (Hons),UK
Ansa Ahmed
Shaykh Abdullah Akuji
BA in English and Linguistics & Trinity CertTESOL, Manchester, UK
Hafsa Zadran
Graduate in Islamic theology, Abu Bakr trust & Masters in religions, society and Education, University of Warwick. UK
Mohammed Hijab
Researcher in Islamic Studies at SOAS University, London, UK
Dr. Ahmad Hammad Assanie
Head of the Arabic language department, KSA
Ustadha Fatima Mesmeh
Palestinian, Native Arabic Teacher, Cape Town, SA
Shaykh Ibrahim ibn Muhammad
Lecturer and adviser on Islamic law and finance, Leicester, UK
Madiha Ashraf
Bsc (Hons), Dip Islamic Studies, Dip Counselling,UK
Sajeda Patel
MA Psychological Therapies, Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling,UK
Mohammed Yassar Ali
Mufti Abdullah Nana
Author, Co-founder of American Fiqh Academy, US
Dr Ramy Salah
MD,Palliative Care Physician,CA
Shaykh Tariq Angawi
Assistant Professor in the Department of Sharia,College of Sharia ,Umm Al-Qura University,SA
Imam Uthman Jeewa
Sessional Chaplain for the Prison Service,UK
Zahir Ahmed
Dr. Majid Saleem
Consultant Clinical Psychologist,UK
Abdul Hafeez Passwala
Herbalist & Raaqi,UK
Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed
Shaykh Idris Watts
Arabic Teacher, Yorkshire & Lancashire, UK
Ustadha Abeda Ahmed
Member, Islamic Association of Islamic Psychology (IAIP), UK
Dr Sahira Dar
senior advisor of BIMA,UK
Professor Gurch Randhawa
Professor of Diversity in Public Health, Institute for Health Research, University of Bedfordshire, UK
Dr Usman Khalid
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board | UHW · Department of Nephrology and Transplant Surgery BSc(Hons) MBBS MRCS FHEA PhD FRCS,UK
Dr Shafi Malik
FRCP, Consultant Transplant Nephrologist, University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire,UK
Syed Huzaifah Ali Nadwi
Research Assistant,Cardiff University, UK
Dr Hassan Chamsi-Pasha
MD, FRCP(Lond), FRCP(Glasg), FRCP(Ire), FACC GNP Hospital, Jeddah
Ustadh Yusuf Rasul
Clinical Psychology Assistant Practitioner,UK
Ustadah Bela Khan
Senior Lecturer of Psychology ,IOU,IN
Ustadha Ameena Blake
Muslim Chaplain, University of Sheffield, UK
Shaykh Ismail Kamdar
Author, Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research, US
Dr. Uthman Lateef
Senior Researcher and Instructor, Sapience Institute, UK
Ustadh Siddique Patel
Partner, Gunnercooke LLP,UK
Ayishah Joanna Swiecinska
Counsellor, Teacher, CPCAB counselling and psychotherapy courses,UK
Imam Idris Nawab
Prison Service, N.H.S & Active Public Speaker, UK
Alyas Karmani
Psychologist, Chair of Sharing Voices, Bradford, UK
Dr Saeed Ahmed
Consultant Interventional Nephrologist and General Medicine Physician,UK
Dr Omer Aziz
Paediatric Intensive Care Consultant Bristol Royal Childrens Hospital,UK
Dr. Nushad Ali Rana
Hamdard Wellness, Hamdard Laboratories India (Medicine Division), New Delhi, IN
Ustaadh Abdul Azeem Climie
Manager, NHS primary Care, UK
Brice Giraud
(Student at Institut Musulman d’Enseignement à Distance (IMED France) and Arabic Madrasa (Greensville Trust, UK)
Dr. Asmaa Al Abdulghani
Senior Medical Manager. Hamad Medical Corporation , Qatar
Dr.Abdul Nasir Ansari
Head of Department,Ilajbit Tadbeerat National, Institute of Unani Medicine, IN
Dr. S Javed Ali
Department of Moalejat,AKTC, AMU, Aligarh,IN
Dr Muhammad Munir
Lecturer in Biomedicine with expertise in COVID-19
Dr Adnan Ali
Medical Director,SJ Healthcare Consultancy Limited,UK
Mufti Hanif Patel
Lecturer,Darul-Uloom , U.K & Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah, Durban, South Africa
Shaykh Awadullah Yusuf al-Azhari
Founder and Rector of The Open School for Arabic and Islamic Studies, Principal Consultant of Azhari Consultancy & Training
Mufti Muntasir Zaman
Lecturer at Qalam Institute,USA
Ali Jan Haider
Director of strategy,at NHS, Bradford, UK
Muhammad Yasir Al-Hanafi
Imam Aylesbury, UK
Dr. Mohammed Basil Altaie
Professor of Quantum Cosmology, Yarmouk University, Jordan
Mohammad Arshad
Professor Kunwar Mohammad Yousuf Amin
Professor, Pharmacology, Aligarh Muslim University,IN
Suboor Ahmed

Dr Ramon Harvey
Lecturer of Islamic Studies, Ebrahim College- Muslim Seminary, London