The Fiqh of Ritual Purity and Prayer
The Fiqh of Ritual Purity and Prayer
About the Course
The Fiqh of Ritual Purity and Prayer (Taharah and Salah) is a unique course, designed by Al Balagh Academy to educate the students with the essential Islamic rulings on purification (Taharah) and prayer (Salah). It aims to equip the learners with a clear understanding of the concepts involved in Islamic Purification required for Salah. Furthermore, it will demonstrate how to perform the ablution (Wudhu) as per the Islamic rulings that govern it. This course will further explain the important Islamic teachings on prayer (Salah). It will also cover contemporary rulings by presenting case studies of the various unforeseen scenarios.

Mufti Ahmed Peerbhai
(Leader at Masjid Noor Nottingham, UK)

Mufti Abdul Waheed
(Researcher & Lecturer in Fiqh, JKN Fatawa Dept & marriage counsellor)

Mufti Amjad Muhammed
(Principal Jurisconsult, Al Balagh Academy, UK)
Course Instructors
Modules (Taharah)
Modules (Salah)
Modules (Taharah)

1.Introduction to Purification (Taharah)
- What is Taharah?
- Why study the topic?
- The spiritual aspect of Taharah
- Some virtues of Taharah from the Quranic and prophetic narrations

2.The Laws of Water
- Water mixed with other pure substances
- Water mixed with impure substances
- Using the water in swimming pools.
- Performing ablution (wudhu) from large reservoirs
- Water touched by various animals

3.Laws of ritual ablution
- Essential elements for ablution
- Breakers and non-breakers of wudhu
- Status of ablution in different situations
- Principles of Masah
- General etiquettes of ablution [sunnah and mustahab]

4.The laws of ritual bath
- Obligations of ghusl
- Sunnah occasions of ghusl
- Ruling on washing artificial limbs.
- Touching or reciting the Quran with major or minor impurity.
- General etiquettes of Ghusl [Sunnah and Mustahab acts]

5.Laws of Tayammum
- Essential elements for Tayammum
- Breakers and non-breakers of Tayammum
- Conditions for Tayammum
- Tayammum for a patient, travellers
- Acceptable surface for performing tayammum

- Types of impurities – Haqeeqi, Hukmi
- Substances used to remove impurity e.g. water, detergent etc.
- Using alcohol sprays on clothes and body
- Using soaps mixed with impurity
- Etiquettes of answering the call of nature

7.Masah on Socks
- Types of socks.
- Ruling on masah over cotton socks
- Conditions of masah
- Masah for a resident and a traveller

- general advice about Purity and Salah
- Islamic emphasis of purity
- The Prophet’s wasiyyat on Salah during his final days
- Open discussion related on fiqh al ibadah
Modules (Salah)

1. Introduction to Salah
- Obligation of Salah
- Spirituality of Salah
- Why is Salah the most significant form of worship?
- Salah of the previous nations
- Qur’anic and Prophetic instructions of Salah

2.Prerequisites of Salah
- The timings of Salah
- Awrah (The covering)
- Mentally stability
- Purity of the place, body and clothes

3.Mode of Salah
- Method of performing Salah
- Salah of men and women
- Salah of a convert
- Prophetic evidences

4.Salah in a Masjid
- Is congregation necessary?
- Conditions of praying Salah in congregation
- Can women attend the congregational prayer?
- The rules governing the Imam and followers
- Etiquettes of the Masjid

5.Salah of a Traveller
- The correct mileage for a Musafir
- The days of residence
- Travelling to multiple locations in one journey
- Salah on conveyance (plane, train, or ship)
- Is combining Salah permissible during the journey?

6.Jumuah and ‘Eidain
- The obligation of Jumu’ah and ‘Eidain
- The obligation history of Jumu’ah and ‘Eidain
- Is it necessary for women and minor children?
- Jumu’ah and ‘Eidain in prison and at the airport

7.Salah of a patient
- Who is categorised as an ill person
- Conditions related to an ill person.
- Different ways of performing Salah
- Salah whilst on insulin
- Salah of someone with dementia

8.Sunnah and Witr
- Procedure of witr Salah
- Different types of Sunnah prayers and their rulings
- Nawafil prayers and its various types

9.Sujood Sahw and Sujood tilawat
- What is sahw and how is it performed
- What to do when one constantly forgets the number of rak’ats?
- How to remove constant doubts in Salah?
- What is Sujood tilawat?
- Sujood for multiple verses and changing sessions

10. Janazah Salah
- What to do when a believer is having near death experience?
- Ghusl and shrouding the deceased
- Performing Janazah Salah and burial of the deceased
- Etiquettes of the graveyard
- Family bereavement and its etiquettes
- Sending rewards to the deceased
Course Overview
The Fiqh of Ritual Purity and Salah (Taharah and Salah) is a unique course, designed by Al Balagh Academy to educate the students with the essential Islamic rulings on purity (Taharah) and prayer (Salah). It aims to equip the learners with a clear understanding of the concepts involved in Islamic Purification required for Salah. Furthermore, it will demonstrate how to perform the ablution (Wudhu) as per the Islamic rulings that govern it. This course will further explain the important Islamic teachings on prayer (Salah). It will also cover contemporary rulings by presenting case studies of the various unforeseen scenarios.
Purity is the basis of almost every act of worship in Islam. It has also been described as “half of faith” by the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him). In regard to worship, purity stands as a prerequisite for the validity of Salah. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “The key to Salah is purity.” Learning the rulings of purity along with the rulings of Salah is essential for every Muslim. The course will describe various topics that include, ruling of water, wudhu & Ghusl, Tayammum, Masah on socks, removing impurity (Najasa) and much more. Each session will cover the rulings of purity through the classical understanding of Islamic Shari’ah along with its contemporary application in relevance to the present-day cases.
Prayer (Salah) is amongst the five major pillars of Islam (Arkan ul Islam). Prayer is deeply enshrined in our Islamic tradition and one of the most essential worships that is obligatory upon every mature Muslim male and female. Alike praying Salah, learning about the injunctions, instruction and order of Salah is equally necessary. The course will integrate traditional teachings and practice, with the contemporary matters related to Salah and its implementation day-to-day scenarios.The course will be based on Al Fiqh al Hanafi and is suitable for those who follow the same school of thought.
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Key Objectives
The Fiqh of Ibadah course aims to :
- Provide students with a clear understanding of Islamic rulings related to Purification (Taharah) and its application in daily life.
- Enrich students with a deep understanding of Islamic rulings that govern prayer (Salah) and the specific method of performing it correctly.
- Educate on the important rulings of the Fiqh al Ibadah (Hanafi) related to the cases revolving around modern-day issues.
- Develop the fundamental knowledge of purity and prayer in unforeseen situations.
- Provide you with the authentic reliable knowledge and the confidence to apply these rulings in your daily life and share with everyone without hesitation.

Learning Outcome
Upon completion of this course, the students will:
- Understand the core principles and requirements of purity in Islam and apply the acquired knowledge to upcoming cases.
- Learn the rulings of the various types of Salah such as Fardh, Wajib, and Nafl prayers: Jumu’ah and Edain, Nawafil, Witr & Taraweeh, Qadha (missed), Sujood Sahw, Janaiz and perform the correct mode of Salah and be sure of the validity of your salah.
- Comprehend upon the complex society and its religious issues and address them accordingly
- Learn the rulings of performing ablution (Wudhu) and prayer (Salāh) whilst on a journey, while being ill or in other unanticipated situations.
- Gain confidence and adopt the acquired knowledge in daily life, and disseminate it among others.

Frequently Asked Questions
Are Al Balagh courses recognised or accredited?
Al Balagh courses do not provide an externally accredited or recognised qualification. Our own expert team works at the course content. With over 5000+ learners, we are continuously growing and our vision is to make Al Balagh qualifications renowned worldwide through our expert team, without seeking formal accreditation or recognition from external institutional bodies.
How is this online course structured?
Our online course comprises live interactive online sessions, pre-recorded videos, online course material that include, presentations, reading material & online learning activities. Students may ask questions and get their doubts cleared from their respective lecturers, if any. Our dedicated academic support team will assist you as required.
When will I have access to the online course material?
Upon successful enrollment, you will get access to myAlBalagh (our online learning portal) within 24 hours.
Will I get notification for live sessions?
All students will receive notification for their course live sessions via email and/or course WhatsApp group. You may also check the Course Schedule tab on your dashboard after logging in on our website or Mobile App
Is it mandatory to attend live sessions?
We always encourage attending live sessions among students, but it is not compulsory for technical course progress of the students.
I missed a live session. Can I get the video recordings?
If you are unable to attend a live session or have missed it, you can view recorded sessions on your course dashboard. You can access all the completed Recordings, PPT and assessments anytime
Can I download the recordings and watch it offline?
You can download recordings and PPT of the course sessions from the myAlBalagh mobile App for all the enrolled courses.The recordings will be available for students after 48 hours of the live session.
Do I get marks for watching course recordings and presentations?
There are no additional marks for watching the course recordings. Only the module Assessments and the final exam add up to the final score.You can check the individual scores of your Assessments under the Progress tab of myAlBalagh.
I have doubts but I cannot attend the live session. Any other way to ask my questions?
You can discuss your doubts via Course WhatsApp Group dedicated for student discussion or access the Discussion board on myAlBalagh. It is a platform for you to ask questions, discuss and get your doubts cleared.
When will the final exam be held?
The Final Exam will be held at the end of the course and will be a graded and timed exam.
How do I interact with my classmates?
You can interact with your classmates on our Whatsapp Group exclusive for the course students. Furthermore, you can use the Discussion Board to connect with other course students as well.
How long will I have access to the online course?
You will have access to the online course content for up to 2 years. If you want lifetime access, contact our admin team via Email at [email protected]
I am facing trouble signing into the “myAlBalagh” Online Student portal. What should I do?
In case you find any trouble accessing your account, then please contact us immediately. Our dedicated support team will ensure that your problem gets resolved at the earliest.
How can I apply for the Al Balagh Scholarship?
Al Balagh Academy values seekers of knowledge more than anything. Please visit our here to apply for a scholarship. Our team will assess your application and respond in 2-3 working days.