Al Takhaṣṣuṣ Fi’l-Tafsīr – Level 1
(Exclusive for Ulama and Alimat)
About The Course
Al Balāgh Takhaṣṣuṣ Fi’l-Tafsīr is a unique course, exclusively tailored for Sharīʿa scholars, ʿUlamā and advanced students of knowledge who wish to seek an opportunity to learn and acquire the essence of Qurānic Tafsīr in order to effectively spread the message of the Qurān in serving the Ummah and to ultimately save the Ummah from the challenges of contemporary socio-juridical, political and contextual issues prevalent amongst Muslim communities. This comprehensively engaging course will provide and upskill learners with tools and practical knowledge needed to bring about praiseworthy change and guide the Ummah for generations to come.
Students who successfully complete the Level 1 course will be eligible for admission in Level 2 based on their performance in Level 1. Each level of this three-tiered programme will equip you with advanced expertise in Tafsir, assisting you in further developing into a Mufassir.

Shaykh Mohammed Amin Kholwadia
(Founder, Darul Qasim, USA)

Shaykh Abdur Raheem Limbada
(Senior Lecturer, Tafseer Raheemi, UK)

Dr Rafaqat Rashid
(Academic Director, Al Balagh Academy, UK)

Shaykh Mustaqeem Shah
(Lecturer, Al Balagh Academy, UK)

Shaykh Haroon Sidat
(Research Associate, Cardiff University, UK)

Shaykh Kamil uddin
(Lecturer, Dar Al Qasim, Chicago, USA)

Mufti Hanif Patel
(Darul-Uloom , U.K & Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah, Durban, South Africa)

Mufti Abrar Qasmi
(Director, Al Balagh Academy, UK)

Completely online

Duration: 10 Months

8+ Weekly Hours
Sisters Only
Monday to Thursday: 11AM – 1PM BST
Brothers Only
Friday: 8PM – 10PM BST
Saturday: 1PM – 3PM BST
Sunday: 8PM – 10PM BST
Wednesday: 8PM – 10PM BST

From £24.99 /Month
Enrol Now
Starting Date 23rd May 2021
Course Fee:
Pay in Full:
Pay in 10 Installments:
Extended Deadline
5th June 2021
AlBalagh Scholarship
AlBalagh Scholarship is available for learners who cannot afford the fee.

Shaykh Mohammed Amin Kholwadia
(Founder, Darul Qasim, USA)

Shaykh Abdur Raheem Limbada
(Senior Lecturer, Tafseer Raheemi, UK)

Dr Rafaqat Rashid
(Academic Director, Al Balagh Academy, UK)

Shaykh Mustaqeem Shah
(Lecturer, Al Balagh Academy, UK)

Shaykh Haroon Sidat
(Research Associate, Cardiff University, UK)

Shaykh Kamil uddin
(Lecturer, Dar Al Qasim, Chicago, USA)

Mufti Syed Abrar Qasmi
(Director, Al Balagh Academy, UK)

Mufti Hanif Patel
(Darul-Uloom , U.K & Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah, Durban, South Africa)
Selected modules will be covered in Level 1 course
- Daurah Tafsīr
- Advanced Qur’ānic Studies
- Contemporary Qur'anic Studies
- Advanced Arabic Studies
- Western studies
- Skills
Tafasir Books
Anwar al-Tanzil wa-Asrar al-Ta'wil AKA Tafsir al-Baydawi
Anwar al-Tanzil wa-Asrar al-Ta'wil AKA Tafsir al-Baydawi
Tafsir al-Qurtubi
Tafsir al-Qurtubi
Ta'wilat Ahl As Sunnah – Tafsir Al Maturidi
Ta'wilat Ahl As Sunnah – Tafsir Al Maturidi
Tafsir Abi Al Saud
Tafsir Abi Al Saud
Mafatih al-Ghayb AKA al-Tafsir al-Kabir
Mafatih al-Ghayb AKA al-Tafsir al-Kabir
Al Tafsir al Baseet – Al Imam Al Wahidi
Al Tafsir al Baseet – Al Imam Al Wahidi
Maani al Quran wa Irabuhu Lil Zujaj
Maani al Quran wa Irabuhu Lil Zujaj
Al-Durr Al-Manthur Fi Tafsir Bil-Ma'thur
Al-Durr Al-Manthur Fi Tafsir Bil-Ma'thur
Tafsīr al-Qurʾān al-ʿAẓīm (Tafsīr Ibn Kathir)
Tafsīr al-Qurʾān al-ʿAẓīm (Tafsīr Ibn Kathir)
Rūh al-Ma'ānī fī Tafsīri-l-Qur'āni-l-'Aẓīm wa Sab'ul-Mathānī
Rūh al-Ma'ānī fī Tafsīri-l-Qur'āni-l-'Aẓīm wa Sab'ul-Mathānī
Tafsīr al-Ṭabarī
Tafsīr al-Ṭabarī
Nazm al-durar fi tanasub al-ayat wa-al-suwar
Nazm al-durar fi tanasub al-ayat wa-al-suwar
Ahkam al-Quran Lil Jassas
Ahkam al-Quran Lil Jassas
Tafsir al-Mazhari
Tafsir al-Mazhari
Tafsīr al-Jalālayn
Tafsīr al-Jalālayn
I'rab al Quran Wa Bayanuhu
I'rab al Quran Wa Bayanuhu
Mahasin al Taweel Lil Qasmi
Mahasin al Taweel Lil Qasmi
Tafsir Al Manar
Tafsir Al Manar
Ma'ariful Qur'an
Ma'ariful Qur'an
Fi Zilal al-Qur'an
Fi Zilal al-Qur'an
Tafsir al-Tahrir wa'l-Tanwir
Tafsir al-Tahrir wa'l-Tanwir
Adwa Al-Bayan
Adwa Al-Bayan
Bayan al Quran
Bayan al Quran
Al Tafsir al Munir
Al Tafsir al Munir
Al-Tafsir al-Waseet by Muhammad Sayyid Tantawy
Al-Tafsir al-Waseet by Muhammad Sayyid Tantawy
Safwat al-Tafasir
Safwat al-Tafasir
Tafsīr al-Kashaf
Tafsīr al-Kashaf
Manāhil al-ʿIrfān fī ʿUlūm al-Qurān (Muhammad al-Zarqani)
Uṣul al-Tafsīr
Study of al-Itqān fī ʿUlūm al-Qur’ān (Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī)
Uṣūl al-Tafsīr- Study of al-Fawz al-Kabīr and Muqaddama of Ibn
The Sciences of Qur’an (Ulûm Al-Qur’an)
Al-Tafsir Wal-Mufassirun
The Qur’an and Modern Science
The Qur'an, Orientalism and Modern Thoughts
The Qur’an, The Bible & History
Al-Balagha Al-Wadiha
Advanced Arabic Writing
Advanced Spoken Arabic
Islamic Worldviews
Western Philosophy & Islam
Atheism And Islam
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Muslim Leadership Training
Chaplaincy, Pastoral Care and Counselling
Presentation Skills
Course Overview
Al Balāgh Takhaṣṣuṣ Fi’l-Tafsīr is a unique course, exclusively tailored for sharīʿa scholars, ʿulamā and advanced students of knowledge who wish to seek an opportunity to learn and acquire the essence of Quranic Tafsīr in order to effectively spread the message of the Qurān in serving the Ummah and to ultimately save the Ummah from the challenges of contemporary socio-juridical, political and contextual issues prevalent amongst Muslim communities. This comprehensively engaging course will provide and upskill learners with tools and practical knowledge needed to bring about praiseworthy change and guide the Ummah for generations to come.
Al Balāgh Takhaṣṣuṣ Fi’l-Tafsīr course will lay emphasis on achieving the following objectives for learners: Explore all-essential concepts, ideas, theories, application principles with respect to Islamic Studies, Ulûm ul Quran, Quranic Sciences and other major Qur'anic themes as described by contemporary scholars.
Read more

Learning Objectives
By The End Of The Three-Tiered Programme, Students Will:
- Learn and become more adept at all facets of the Classical Quranic Literature with due diligence on understanding and analysing Quranic Translations in English and various other languages.
- Produce a new generation of academically qualified scholars in the field of Quranic Studies, Quranic Exegesis, Ulûm ul Quran, the Sciences of the Quran, who will be leading academic expert Scholars specialised in this area to convey the message of the glorious Quran to the Muslim Ummah effectively.
- Enable learners to respond, analyse and resolve challenges in relation to Qur’anic studies such as Orientalism, Scientism and various other contemporary challenges.
- Enable learners to acquire skills, knowledge required to work towards implementing and spreading true Quranic practices which reflect the beauty of the real values and spirit of the Quranic principles and thus create a major impact on Muslim communities.

The aspiring students should either:
- Have completed Alimiyyah Course from a recognised institute and Have Ijazah Sanad.
- Have good knowledge and understanding of Arabic and English language.
- Must be 18 years old or above.
The programme is exclusively tailored for advanced students, to provide them with an opportunity to develop advanced expertise in various books of Tafsir in a considerably shorter period and from the comfort of their homes. Currently, we are accepting enrollments for Level 1, and will launch the next two levels consequently insha’Allah. If you have any prior qualification in the field, then kindly contact our communication team on +44 7397 903767 to save your interest for our Level 2 or Level 3 courses.
This Al Takhassus Fi’l Tafsir programme has been divided into 3 levels. Each level will be about 10 months long. The details of the Level 1 classes are listed below;
Orientation Day: Sunday, 23rd May 2021
Live Class Timing
Following is the weekly online classes schedule
- Fridays: 8:00PM – 10:00PM GMT
- Saturdays: 11:30AM – 2:30PM GMT
- Sundays: 7:00PM – 10:00PM GMT
- Monday to Thursday: 11:00AM – 1:00PM GMT
NOTE: There will be 9-10 live online classes per week. Students will have the complete flexibility to select any classes per week according to your convenience and your preference subjects. Our academic support team will guide you in terms of selecting core courses and optional courses. (Recommended a minimum of 5 classes per week)
Attendance Policy
All the modules are divided into two categories:
- Core Modules
- Optional Module
Students should have a minimum of 50% attendance in core courses. Live classes’ attendance is not mandatory for optional courses.
The course will be delivered in a series of live online classes, tutorials, presentation-based lectures, textbook-based traditional lectures, and seminars, all delivered live online. The recordings will be uploaded onto our myAlbalagh student’s learning portal (24/7 Accessibility from a web browser and Mobile App) for students to review and revise at their own pace and convenience.Our distinctive approach relates to our three-level structure, making it more holistic and flexible.
The Programme has been divided into three levels:
- Takhaṣṣuṣ Fi’l-Tafsīr – Level 1
- Takhaṣṣuṣ Fi’l-Tafsīr – Level 2
- Takhaṣṣuṣ Fi’l-Tafsīr – Level 3
The course will be taught exclusively by leading Shariah scholars and qualified Mufassirun using online technology.
- Core Courses & Elective Courses: In every Level, there will be Core and Elective modules/ Chapters of books. In terms of the timing of live classes, the schedule of live classes is flexible with around 10 live class options per week (See the schedule section for detail). Students can select a minimum of 4 to 5 classes based on their convenience and time zone. You may also apply for exemption from core courses if you can demonstrate the completion of these modules/subjects before, or have the required level of knowledge.
- Flexible Study Hours: Students are expected to spend an average of 8-10 hours per week to meet the study requirements and complete the course without compromising their personal and professional commitments.
- Attendance Requirement: Attendance (a minimum of 50% attendance) is mandatory in the live online sessions of all core modules. However, attendance is not required for optional modules and students can complete the optional modules by attaining minimum pass marks in the assessments.
- 24/7 Access to Video Recordings: Video recordings for every live session will be available within 48 hours on students’ course dashboard for revision and convenience. Students will get lifetime access to recordings.
- Mobile App: Students can get access to the course content on the go, using my albalagh mobile app and complete the coursework from anywhere and at any time.
- Exemption: Students with advanced knowledge or experience in the related subjects/books can apply for exemption for certain modules and select another level book.
We understand that most of our students have busy lives and managing family and professional commitments can be tough. Therefore, Al Balagh designed a flexible and structured learning model for passionate students like you to ensure that you can join this sacred journey of Islamic learning without compromising your other commitments. After successful enrollment, our academic support team will guide and advise you on module selection, class timings, and study requirements as and when required.
The goal is simple: To prepare a new generation of academically qualified sharīʿa scholars in Qur’anic studies who will have advanced knowledge, understanding and skills conveying the divine message of the glorious Quran to today’s multicultural, heterogeneous and multidimensional society.
There is a shortage of expert academically qualified sharīʿa scholars, ʿulama with expertise in advanced knowledge in Quranic Studies and because of this the true message of the glorious Quran, which is pivotal to understanding and strengthening Islam is not getting its message across the wider Muslim community effectively. Therefore, we at Al Balagh Academy, have designed a unique course which aims at empowering learners with advanced knowledge of Qur’anic studies and to help them acquire contemporary skills needed to guide the Ummah in the right direction.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Al Balagh courses recognised or accredited?
Al Balagh courses do not provide an externally accredited or recognised qualification. Our own expert team works at the course content. With over 5000+ learners, we are continuously growing and our vision is to make Al Balagh qualifications renowned worldwide through our expert team, without seeking formal accreditation or recognition from external institutional bodies.
How is this online course structured?
Our online course comprises live interactive online sessions, pre-recorded videos, online course material that include, presentations, reading material & online learning activities. Students may ask questions and get their doubts cleared from their respective lecturers, if any. Our dedicated academic support team will assist you as required.
When will I have access to the online course material?
Upon successful enrollment, you will get access to myAlBalagh (our online learning portal) within 24 hours.
Will I get notification for live sessions?
All students will receive notification for their course live sessions via email and/or course WhatsApp group. You may also check the Course Schedule tab on your dashboard after logging in on our website or Mobile App.
Is it mandatory to attend live sessions?
We always encourage attending live sessions among students, but it is not compulsory for technical course progress of the students.
I missed a live session. Can I get the video recordings?
If you are unable to attend a live session or have missed it, you can view recorded sessions on your course dashboard. You can access all the completed Recordings, PPT and assessments anytime.
Can I download the recordings and watch it offline?
You can download recordings and PPT of the course sessions from the myAlBalagh mobile App for all the enrolled courses.The recordings will be available for students after 48 hours of the live session.
Do I get marks for watching course recordings and presentations?
There are no additional marks for watching the course recordings. Only the module Assessments and the final exam add up to the final score.You can check the individual scores of your Assessments under the Progress tab of myAlBalagh.
I have doubts but I cannot attend the live session. Any other way to ask my questions?
You can discuss your doubts via Course WhatsApp Group dedicated for student discussion or access the Discussion Board on myAlBalagh. It is a platform for you to ask questions, discuss and get your doubts cleared.
When will the final exam be held?
The Final Exam will be held at the end of the course and will be a Graded And Timed Exam.
How do I interact with my classmates?
You can interact with your classmates on our Whatsapp Group exclusive for the course students. Furthermore, you can use the Discussion Board to connect with other course students as well.
How long will I have access to the online course?
You will have access to the online course content for up to 2 years. If you want lifetime access, contact our admin team via Email at [email protected].
I am facing trouble signing into the “myAlBalagh” Online Student portal. What should I do?
In case you find any trouble accessing your account, then please contact us immediately. Our dedicated support team will ensure that your problem gets resolved at the earliest.
How can I apply for the Al Balagh Scholarship?
Al Balagh Academy values seekers of knowledge more than anything. Please visit here to apply for a scholarship. Our team will assess your application and respond in 2-3 working days.