Al Takhassus Fil Fiqh wal Ifta
التخصص في الفقه والافتاء
Online Ifta Programme
(Accepting applications for SEPTEMBER 2022 intake)
About the Programme
Islamic Fiqh is an essential discipline of traditional Islamic sciences which requires an analysis of normative positions in the diverse range of emerging issues from a global perspective in this rapidly changing world. It is challenging and overpasses the lines of enquiry which question concepts never explored before or ever thought possible. The continuous change of social and political circumstances, discoveries and the scientific, technological and digital revolution over the last decades has produced unprecedented challenges that require Islamic fiqh perspective on these modern and contemporary issues. The range of queries are diverse and vary between worship, medicine, dietary laws, and family law, necessitating knowledge of both classical and contemporary Fiqh, a specific set of skills in responding to legal queries and expertise in this discipline.
Muslim scholars attempted to address many areas of Islamic Fiqh and its application on the contemporary cases and the other areas of humanities and social sciences. Dealing with these challenges requires preparing the expert Muftīs and Muslim scholars who have the background knowledge and the skillset to work closely with academics and subject experts, allowing them to embrace both good leadership qualities and aptitude to deliver the Islamic response through a multidisciplinary approach.
However, this area of expertise has grown both horizontally and vertically to the degree that our current application of Fiqh to the contemporary challenging issues is, unfortunately, still in its early stages. The horizontal growth requires us to go back to the sources of our substantive law, jurisprudence and ethics and remove the differences and essential shariʿ principles that provide the guidance and framework to provide Islamic responses for technical questions. Thereby, Muslim scholars need to acquire some expertise in broader areas of theology, ʿilm al-kalām, tafsīr, ḥadīth and tārīkh. The new sciences have now diversified beyond just medicine, and into many other specialities, making it intersect with sciences such as politics, law, business transactions, financial contracts, medical science, philosophy of science, epistemology, metaphysics, anthropology, global public health and other areas of humanities and social sciences.
This programme is an online two-year specialisation programme (Without Master Degree) and three years specialisation programme (With Master Degree), exclusively designed for Sharia graduates from different traditional Islamic Madaris. The programme seeks to empower the Sharia scholars by developing advanced research skills, critical thinking, and an ability to grasp complex cases generically through intense mashq fatawa and case studies. Additionally, Takhassus Fil Fiqh programme provides a comprehensive understanding of usul al-fiqh (Legal Theories), Qawa’id al-Fiqh (Legal Maxims) and their application to the contemporary legal cases, based on the traditional Hanafi Madhab. It allows the opportunity for students to specialise further in specific areas of their interest upon completing the course.

Shaykh Mustaqeem Shah
(Lecturer, Al Balagh Academy, UK)

Shaykh Ibrahim ibn Muhammad
(Lecturer and adviser on Islamic law and finance, Leicester, UK)

Shaykh Haroon Sidat
(Research Associate, Cardiff University, UK)

Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
(Darul Iftaa, Leicester, UK)

Mufti Barkatullah Qasmi
(Sharia Advisor, Al Rayyan Bank, UK)

Mufti Abdul Waheed
(Researcher & Lecturer in Fiqh, JKN Fatawa Dept & Marriage Counsellor, UK)

Mufti Abrar Qasmi
(Director, Al Balagh Academy, UK)


Online Ifta Course

24 - 36 Months
Segregated Classes

50 - 60 Courses
Weekend Classes
Saturday & Sunday
5 PM – 8 PM (London, UK)
1 PM – 4 PM (New York, US)

From £50.00 /Month
Limited Places
Start your application
Starting date : 17th September 2022
Course Fee:
Pay in 12 Installments:
AlBalagh Scholarship
AlBalagh Scholarship is available for learners who cannot afford the fee.
Programme Team

Shaykh Mustaqeem Shah
(Lecturer, Al Balagh Academy, UK)

Shaykh Haroon Sidat
(Research Associate, Cardiff University, UK)

Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
(Darul Iftaa, Leicester, UK)

Mufti Barkatullah Qasmi
(Sharia Advisor, Al Rayyan Bank, UK)

Mufti Abdul Waheed
(Researcher & Lecturer in Fiqh, JKN Fatawa Dept & Marriage Counsellor, UK)

Shaykh Ibrahim ibn Muhammad
(Lecturer and adviser on Islamic law and finance, Leicester, UK)

Mufti Abrar Qasmi
(Director, Al Balagh Academy, UK)
Courses In This Programme
(رد المحتار على الدر المختار ( الأبواب المنتخبة
(رد المحتار على الدر المختار ( الأبواب المنتخبة
الأشباه والنظائر
غمز عيون البصائر شرح كتاب الأشباه والنظائر
الأشباه والنظائر
غمز عيون البصائر شرح كتاب الأشباه والنظائر
مصطلحات الفقهاء
مصطلحات الفقهاء
القواعد الفقهية
القواعد الفقهية
شرح المنظومه المسماه بعقود رسم المفتي
شرح المنظومه المسماه بعقود رسم المفتي
اصول الافتاء وآدابه – مفتي تقي عثماني
اصول الافتاء وآدابه – مفتي تقي عثماني
Tamrīn Al- Fatāwa & Research
Tamrīn Al- Fatāwa & Research
السراجي في الميراث
السراجي في الميراث
الدر المختار شرح تنوير الأبصار وجامع البحار
الدر المختار شرح تنوير الأبصار وجامع البحار
(علم اصول الفقه (عبد الوهاب خلاف
(علم اصول الفقه (عبد الوهاب خلاف
مقدمة الدر المختار
مقدمة الدر المختار
بحوث في قضايا فقهية معاصرة للشيخ تقي العثماني
بحوث في قضايا فقهية معاصرة للشيخ تقي العثماني
أصول السرخسي
أصول السرخسي
المدخل الفقهي العام للزرقاء
المدخل الفقهي العام للزرقاء
شرح القواعد للزرقاء
شرح القواعد للزرقاء
الموافقات ( جزء المقاصد) للشاطبي
الموافقات ( جزء المقاصد) للشاطبي
بداية المجتهد ونهاية المقتصد
بداية المجتهد ونهاية المقتصد
فقه النساء في ضوء المذاهب الأربعة والاجتهادات الفقهية المعاصرة
فقه النساء في ضوء المذاهب الأربعة والاجتهادات الفقهية المعاصرة
المذهب الحنفي ، مراحله و طبقاته، ظوابطه و مصطلحاته، خصائصه و مولفاته
المذهب الحنفي ، مراحله و طبقاته، ظوابطه و مصطلحاته، خصائصه و مولفاته
مصطلحات الفقهاء والاصوليين
مصطلحات الفقهاء والاصوليين
Islamic Family Law
Islamic Family Law
Academic Approaches – Fiqh & Usul al Fiqh ( A Study)
Academic Approaches – Fiqh & Usul al Fiqh ( A Study)
Academic English
Academic English
Advanced Arabic
Advanced Arabic
Al Balagh Ulum Al Quran & Tafsīr
Al Balagh Ulum Al Quran & Tafsīr
The Fiqh of Medicine Course
The Fiqh of Medicine Course
The Fiqh of Medicine Course
The Fiqh of Medicine Course
Islamic Worldviews
Islamic Worldviews
Western Philosophy & Islam
Western Philosophy & Islam
Critical Thinking/ Reading / Writing
Critical Thinking/ Reading / Writing
Muslim Leadership Development
Muslim Leadership Development
Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care
Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care
Presentation Skills
Presentation Skills
Islamic Psychology & Counselling
Islamic Psychology & Counselling
Islamic Banking & Finance
Islamic Banking & Finance
بدائع الصنائع
بدائع الصنائع
فتح القدير
فتح القدير
الفتاوي التمرتاشية
الفتاوي التمرتاشية
الفتاوي الهندية
الفتاوي الهندية
إعلاء السنن للشيخ ظفر أحمد العثماني التهانوي
إعلاء السنن للشيخ ظفر أحمد العثماني التهانوي
ملتقي الابحر
ملتقي الابحر
فقه اهل العراق وحديثهم للكوثري
فقه اهل العراق وحديثهم للكوثري
أبو حنيفة حياته وعصره أبو زهره
أبو حنيفة حياته وعصره أبو زهره
الفقه الإسلامي وأدلته – وهبة الزحيلي
الفقه الإسلامي وأدلته – وهبة الزحيلي
كتاب الشرح الكبير للشيخ الدردير وحاشية الدسوقي
كتاب الشرح الكبير للشيخ الدردير وحاشية الدسوقي
تحفة المحتاج لابن حجر الهيتمي و نهاية المحتاج للرملي
تحفة المحتاج لابن حجر الهيتمي و نهاية المحتاج للرملي
التنقيح للمرداوي و منتهى الإرادات في جمع المقنع مع التنقيح وزيادات لابن النجار
التنقيح للمرداوي و منتهى الإرادات في جمع المقنع مع التنقيح وزيادات لابن النجار
Introduction to Contemporary Sciences
Introduction to Contemporary Sciences
Islam and Feminism
Islam and Feminism
Advanced Lectures on Women Studies
Advanced Lectures on Women Studies
Advanced Lectures on Contemporary Issues
Advanced Lectures on Contemporary Issues
Advanced Lectures on Social Science and Women
Advanced Lectures on Social Science and Women
Key Features
Programme Overview
Al Takhassus Fil Fiqh wal Ifta (Specialization in the Fiqh and Ifta) programme is the first-ever international unique, advanced specialist course that is exclusively designed for our Alimat (Sharia scholars) to train them to achieve an in-depth grasp and understanding of the dynamic nature of Islamic fiqh, with its associated theology and uṣūl al-fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) . The programme will have a Ḥanafī school focus but will require scholars to be competent enough to be able to provide generic opinions from all sunnī schools of thought. This is an excellent opportunity for interested Alimat to be one of the leading scholars in the synergy of Islamic jurisprudence and ethics at both the individual to societal and global levels. Students will also have an excellent opportunity to gain significant advantage in their career prospects by graduating with professional qualificaions, UK university accredited bachelor’s or master’s degrees,
while studying traditional and contemporary specialised subjects under some of the world most renowned Muslim scholars and academics from the comfort of their homes. The aim is to empower them to become confident researchers and to develop their research skills and ability interpret and decipher traditional Hanafi texts and other scholarly works in Arabic. The students will be able to solve modern-day complex legal cases/questions apply the legal principles to new cases. The students will be part of the international network of leading Sharia scholar serving in the field of Fiqh and Ifta to prepare them for future leadership in their specific areas.
Read more

Programme Aims & Objectives
The Key Objectives of this Programme are:
- Study of Classical and Contemporary Islamic Literature- Study and analysis of all relevant facets of classical and contemporary Fiqh, Uṣūl al-Fiqh, Tafsīr, Hadīth, Kalām literature and contemporary Islamic Fiqh literature, contextualised to sociological, philosophical, political components that have a direct influence on Islamic Fiqh as practiced today.
- Development of Research Skills and Study of Related Subjects- Researching, learning, exploring and examining concepts, theories and principles related to Islamic Fiqh and the application of Fiqh to conventional and contemporary issues in this field.
- Development of Leadership Skills- Building the appropriate skills and good leadership characteristics that are essential in Muslim scholars, as a requisite to resolve current issues in the essential field of Islamic Fiqh.
- Membership of Global Network of Ialamic Fiqh Scholars -Creating a new networking generation of Muftīs who are experts in different areas of Islamic fiqh, and are able to convey, advise and implement Islamic rulings in the post-modern world of dramatically evolving new technologies through a multidisciplinary approach.
- Contributors to the Future of Global Islamic Fiqh- Guiding, identifying, analysing and resolving current challenges with respect to Islamic Fiqh and other related sciences in theology, philosophy and anthropology to revive the spirit of Islamic Fiqh, and contribute to international academic Fiqh literature, committees and published journals.

Learning Outcome
Students will have:
- Gain an In-depth understanding of both relevant Classical and Contemporary Islamic Texts - Students will have studied general and specific classical and contemporary Islamic texts in fiqh, uṣūl al-fiqh, tafsīr, ḥadīth, kalām literature relevant to Islamic Fiqh. Contextualised to their sociological and philosophical components.
- Develop Research Skills and a Grasp of Related Subjects- Students will be able to produce good academic research in areas of interest. They will be exposed to legal and philosophical concepts, theories, principles related to Islamic Fiqh and the application of Islamic rulings to conventional and contemporary issues in this field.
- Attain Good Leadership Skills-Students will be able to apply appropriate and relevant skills and deliver good leadership skillsets essential in Muslim scholars, as a requisite to resolve current issues in the field of Islamic Fiqh.
- Achieve Recognition in the Global Network of Subject Experts in the Field of Fiqh -Students will be part of a network of new generation of Muftīs who are experts in Islamic Fiqh and will be able to convey, advise and implement Islamic Fiqh in the post-modern world of dramatically evolving new technologies through a multidisciplinary approach.
- Develop a Portfolio of work that Contributes to the Future of Global Islamic Fiqh- Students will have the competencies to guide, identify, analyse and resolve current challenges with respect to Islamic Fiqh, other related sciences in theology and philosophy to revive the spirit of Islamic Fiqh, having attained an academic degree qualification and so enabled to contribute to international Fiqh literature, committees and published.

Batch | Intake | Days | London | New York |
Weekend | September 2022 | Saturday & Sunday | 5PM - 8PM | 1PM - 4PM |
Direct applicants for admission in the Takhassus programme are required to:
- Complete Alimiyyah Course from a recognised institute and have Ijazah Sanad
- Have good knowledge and understanding of Arabic and English language
- Must be 18 years old or above
Applicants are required to submit the following supporting documents:
- Completed Application form.
- Resume, including details of supervisory, teaching or professional experience.
- Details of other academic qualifications including academic transcripts.
- Two references.
- A personal brief introduction about yourself, your interest in the Takhassus programme, and your expectations from the programme. You must include details of your Alimiyyah qualification highlighting whether you have studied on a full time or part-time basis, the number of years spent and text/books covered.
For direct entry, apply and attach all supporting documents as outlined in the admission requirements. The admissions team will assess your application and advise on next steps.
Al Balagh will facilitate a degree programme for Takhassus students. The degree modules will be delivered by the recognised universities. The degree programme is optional for students. It will be recommended based on students’ profiles.
All prospective students will be assessed according to their credentials, which will identify whether they can apply for undergraduate or postgraduate degrees. Al Balagh Ifta students can opt to take a Master degree in Ifta year 3 with the help of Al Balagh team. Note that Al Balagh will not deliver a Master degree course but facilitate and help in terms of the admission process, selecting the best university and the degree modules that are most suitable for your professional growth.
Please Note: Al Balagh Takhassus fee doesn’t include the Masters Degree fee. Students have to fulfil the admission prerequisites as demanded by relevant universities.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Al Balagh courses recognised or accredited?
Al Balagh courses do not provide an externally accredited or recognised qualification. Our own expert team works at the course content. With over 5000+ learners, we are continuously growing and our vision is to make Al Balagh qualifications renowned worldwide through our expert team, without seeking formal accreditation or recognition from external institutional bodies.
How is this online course structured?
Our online course comprises live interactive online sessions, pre-recorded videos, online course material that include, presentations, reading material & online learning activities. Students may ask questions and get their doubts cleared from their respective lecturers, if any. Our dedicated academic support team will assist you as required.
When will I have access to the online course material?
Upon successful enrollment, you will get access to myAlBalagh (our online learning portal) within 24 hours.
Will I get notification for live sessions?
All students will receive notification for their course live sessions via email and/or course WhatsApp group. You may also check the Course Schedule tab on your dashboard after logging in on our website or Mobile App.
Is it mandatory to attend live sessions?
We always encourage attending live sessions among students, but it is not compulsory for technical course progress of the students.
I missed a live session. Can I get the video recordings?
If you are unable to attend a live session or have missed it, you can view recorded sessions on your course dashboard. You can access all the completed Recordings, PPT and assessments anytime.
Can I download the recordings and watch it offline?
You can download recordings and PPT of the course sessions from the myAlBalagh mobile App for all the enrolled courses.The recordings will be available for students after 48 hours of the live session.
Do I get marks for watching course recordings and presentations?
There are no additional marks for watching the course recordings. Only the module Assessments and the final exam add up to the final score.You can check the individual scores of your Assessments under the Progress tab of myAlBalagh.
I have doubts but I cannot attend the live session. Any other way to ask my questions?
You can discuss your doubts via Course WhatsApp Group dedicated for student discussion or access the Discussion Board on myAlBalagh. It is a platform for you to ask questions, discuss and get your doubts cleared.
When will the final exam be held?
The Final Exam will be held at the end of the course and will be a Graded And Timed Exam.
How do I interact with my classmates?
You can interact with your classmates on our Whatsapp Group exclusive for the course students. Furthermore, you can use the Discussion Board to connect with other course students as well.
How long will I have access to the online course?
You will have access to the online course content for up to 2 years. If you want lifetime access, contact our admin team via Email at [email protected].
I am facing trouble signing into the “myAlBalagh” Online Student portal. What should I do?
In case you find any trouble accessing your account, then please contact us immediately. Our dedicated support team will ensure that your problem gets resolved at the earliest.
How can I apply for the Al Balagh Scholarship?
Al Balagh Academy values seekers of knowledge more than anything. Please visit here to apply for a scholarship. Our team will assess your application and respond in 2-3 working days.