The Fiqh and Status of Women
Exclusively designed for our sisters to equip them with the essential relevant Islamic rulings.
(Sisters only)
About The Course
This unique and comprehensive online course will shed light on contemporary Islamic rulings related to Muslim women’s public and private life. The course will explore a wide range of issues related to modernity and the impact of modern technological advancement on behaviour and perception.
Course Team

Ustadah Ayesha Khizer
( Lecturer, Al Balagh Academy, UK)

Ustadah Ameena Blake
( Muslim Chaplain, University of Sheffield, UK)
Ustadah Fatima Barkatulla
(author & presenter of the IlmFeed Podcast, UK)

Dr. Tabasum Hussain
( Da’ee, Lecturer, Researcher, Debater, Youth Mentor, Toronto, CA )

Ustadah Raeesa Mansoor

Ustadah Mehmuda Mulla

Dr Saleha Gangat
(Al Takhassus fil Fiqh wal Ifta, Al Balagh Academy , UK)

Ustadah Zarmina Kundi

12 Live Online Sessions

Duration: 4 Months

Sundays, 11:00AM - 12:30PM (London, UK)

Video Recordings Available


Mobile App

Live Q&A
Enrol Now
Starts on 13th August 2023
Course Fee
Pay in Full: £9.99
Registration Deadline:
12th August 2023
AlBalagh Scholarship
AlBalagh Scholarship is available for learners who cannot afford the fee.
Course Team

Ustadha Ameena Blake
( Muslim Chaplain, University of Sheffield, UK)

Ustadah Ayesha Khizer
( Lecturer, Al Balagh Academy, UK)
Ustadah Fatima Barkatulla
(author & presenter of the IlmFeed Podcast, UK)

Ustadah Zarmina Kundi
(Al Takhassus fil Fiqh wal Ifta, Al Balagh Academy , UK)

Ustadah Mehmuda Mulla
(Al Takhassus fil Fiqh wal Ifta, Al Balagh Academy , UK)

Dr. Tabasum Hussain
( Da’ee, Lecturer, Researcher, Debater, Youth Mentor, Toronto, CA )

Ustadah Raeesa Mansoor
(Al Takhassus fil Fiqh wal Ifta, Al Balagh Academy , UK)

Dr Saleha Gangat
(Al Takhassus fil Fiqh wal Ifta, Al Balagh Academy , UK)
Introduction to The Fiqh And Fatawa Of Women
The Fiqh Of Gender And Social Interaction
The Fiqh of Clothing (Part 1)
The Fiqh of Clothing (Part 2)
The Fiqh of Beautification, Makeup and Cosmetics (Part 1)
The Fiqh of Beautification, Makeup and Cosmetics (Part 2)
The Art of Living Fun for Muslim Women
Home Management from Islamic Perspective
The Fiqh of Female Students and Working Women
A Holistic Approach to “Women in Islam”
Fiqh of Menstruation: Sharia & Medical Perspective
The Role of Women in Society
Does Islam need Feminism?
Course Overview
This unique and comprehensive online course will shed light on contemporary Islamic rulings related to Muslim women’s public and private life. The course will explore a wide range of issues related to modernity and the impact of modern technological advancement on behaviour and perception. The course is unique in many ways addressing important topics such as:
- The Fiqh of Beautification, Make-up and Cosmetics
- The Fiqh of Fashion Trends & Clothing Styles
- Hijab & Niqab and Contemporary Society
- The Fiqh of Gender and Social Interaction. Limits & Boundaries
- The Role of Women in Society
- A Muslimah in the Campus
- A Muslimah in the Workforce
- Empowering Muslim Women
- Home Management from an Islamic Perspective
- Women Rights in Islam
- Feminism and Islam
- Muslim Woman and “The West”: A Study
- The Art of Living Fun for Muslim Women

Course Format
The Aim of this course is to empower and motivate Muslim women to play an important role in society without compromising the Islamic values. The course will highlight the Important topics such as the status of women in Islam, the wisdom behind the Islamic rulings and how the Islamic moral code addresses ethical voids in society. Further, the course will focus on “Deconstructing Feminist Ideologies” and “ Exposing Western Myths about Muslim women” by presenting a comparative analysis of Western and Islamic perspectives on women rights.
The course is structured as an essential intellectual, spiritual and moral guide for Muslim women of all ages. This course is must-attend for college/university students, working professionals, businesswomen, housewives and researchers.

Course Aims and Objectives:
1. To educate women and develop an understanding of Islamic rulings related to Muslim women especially in a modern context.
2. To provide a comprehensive guide for Muslim women focusing on their spiritual, social, economic and political roles.
3. To provide Islamic narratives on some of the challenging concepts such as Women Rights, Feminism, Gender Equality, Women Empowerment, Liberty and Freedom.
4. To provide an opportunity to the sisters to enhance their Islamic understanding without compromising their family and professional life and be productive.

Frequently Asked Questions
Are Al Balagh courses recognised or accredited?
Al Balagh courses do not provide an externally accredited or recognised qualification. Our own expert team works at the course content. With over 5000+ learners, we are continuously growing and our vision is to make Al Balagh qualifications renowned worldwide through our expert team, without seeking formal accreditation or recognition from external institutional bodies.
How is this online course structured?
Our online course comprises live interactive online sessions, pre-recorded videos, online course material that include, presentations, reading material & online learning activities. Students may ask questions and get their doubts cleared from their respective lecturers, if any. Our dedicated academic support team will assist you as required.
When will I have access to the online course material?
Upon successful enrollment, you will get access to myAlBalagh (our online learning portal) within 24 hours.
Will I get notification for live sessions?
All students will receive notification for their course live sessions via email and/or course WhatsApp group. You may also check the Course Schedule tab on your dashboard after logging in on our website or Mobile App.
Is it mandatory to attend live sessions?
We always encourage attending live sessions among students, but it is not compulsory for technical course progress of the students.
I missed a live session. Can I get the video recordings?
If you are unable to attend a live session or have missed it, you can view recorded sessions on your course dashboard. You can access all the completed Recordings, PPT and assessments anytime.
Can I download the recordings and watch it offline?
You can download recordings and PPT of the course sessions from the myAlBalagh mobile App for all the enrolled courses.The recordings will be available for students after 48 hours of the live session.
Do I get marks for watching course recordings and presentations?
There are no additional marks for watching the course recordings. Only the module Assessments and the final exam add up to the final score.You can check the individual scores of your Assessments under the Progress tab of myAlBalagh.
I have doubts but I cannot attend the live session. Any other way to ask my questions?
You can discuss your doubts via Course WhatsApp Group dedicated for student discussion or access the Discussion Board on myAlBalagh. It is a platform for you to ask questions, discuss and get your doubts cleared.
When will the final exam be held?
The Final Exam will be held at the end of the course and will be a Graded And Timed Exam.
How do I interact with my classmates?
You can interact with your classmates on our Whatsapp Group exclusive for the course students. Furthermore, you can use the Discussion Board to connect with other course students as well.
How long will I have access to the online course?
You will have access to the online course content for up to 2 years. If you want lifetime access, contact our admin team via Email at [email protected].
I am facing trouble signing into the “myAlBalagh” Online Student portal. What should I do?
In case you find any trouble accessing your account, then please contact us immediately. Our dedicated support team will ensure that your problem gets resolved at the earliest.
How can I apply for the Al Balagh Scholarship?
Al Balagh Academy values seekers of knowledge more than anything. Please visit here to apply for a scholarship. Our team will assess your application and respond in 2-3 working days.